
(2022). Use of Airborne Radar Images and Machine Learning Algorithms to Map Soil Clay, Silt, and Sand Contents in Remote Areas under the Amazon Rainforest. In RS.

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(2021). Training pedologist for soil mapping-Contextualizing methods and its accuracy using the project pedagogy approach. In RBCS.

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(2020). Spatial Bayesian belief networks a a participatory approach for mapping environmental vulnerability at the Itatiaia National Park, Brazil. In EES.

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(2020). Mapping soil properties in a poorly-accessible area. In RBCS.

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(2018). Predicting soil carbon content in a limited accessible area using 3D modelling; Study case at Itatiaia National Park, Brazil. In EES.

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(2018). Mapping soil organic carbon and organic matter fractions by Geographically Weighted Regression. In JEQ.

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(2018). Digital elevation model quality on digital soil mapping prediction accuracy. In C&A.

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(2016). RapidEye image processing for soil use mapping in rugged landscape accuracy. In PAB.

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